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The Prosecutor General’s Office clarified the question of who should pay for the installation of meters in residential buildings

The General Prosecutor’s Office of Azerbaijan has clarified the question of whether a housing construction cooperative (HBC) has the right to demand funds from owners for the purchase and installation of electricity, water and gas meters in apartment buildings. The press service of the department reported this, reports.

It is noted that in accordance with Article 11 of the AR Law “On Electric Power Industry”, Article 13 of the Law “On Gas Supply” and Article 31 of the Law “On Water Supply and Water Disposal”, a meter for consumers who are individuals is equipped and installed at the expense of the supplier company.

“In accordance with the requirements of these legislative acts, a meter for a consumer who is a legal entity is equipped and installed at his own expense. Also, in accordance with Articles 8, 13 and 23 of these laws, residential premises can be allowed for use after they are equipped with meters.

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