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Cases of confiscation of property of persons who committed crimes are expanding in Azerbaijan

Cases of confiscation of property of persons who have committed crimes are increasing in Azerbaijan. As Trend reports, this was reflected in the amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code, which were discussed today at a meeting of the Milli Majlis (parliament).

The draft amendments note that if, as a result of criminal prosecution in absentia, a court verdict proves the guilt of persons who have fled the investigation or deliberately evaded being summoned to court outside the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan, then the property of these persons, in particular those who have committed crimes against peace and humanity, as well as those related to terrorism (or its financing), directed against the foundations and security of the constitutional order of the state, will be confiscated and directed to compensate for damage to victims and the state through special confiscation in cases provided for by criminal law, to ensure a civil claim.

After discussion, the bill was put to a vote and adopted in the first reading.

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