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Criminal liability is established for the dissemination of information about the deployment of military equipment of the AR Armed Forces

Criminal liability is established for the dissemination of information about the movement or deployment of personnel, military weapons, ammunition or military equipment of the Armed Forces (AF) of the Republic of Azerbaijan (AR), reports. This is reflected in the new paragraph 284-2 recommended to the plenary meeting of the Milli Majlis, which is proposed to be added to the Criminal Code of the Azerbaijan Republic.

According to the draft, if information about the movement or deployment of personnel of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan, military weapons, ammunition or military equipment is disseminated in wartime or in combat conditions, and there are no signs of actions provided for in Art. 274 (high treason), 276 (espionage) and/or 284 (dissemination of state secrets) of the Criminal Code of the Azerbaijan Republic, the punishment is imprisonment for a period of 3 to 6 years.

If the same actions entail grave consequences, then punishment is provided in the form of imprisonment for a period of 5 to 8 years.

Note: paragraph 284-2 does not apply to cases of dissemination of information released to the public by government bodies (structures) about the movement or deployment of personnel, military weapons, ammunition or military equipment of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

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