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Azerbaijan has approved new lists of the dose of drugs that provides grounds for bringing a person to criminal responsibility

Azerbaijan has approved new lists of significant, large and especially large doses of drugs that provide grounds for bringing a person to criminal responsibility. As APA reports, this was reflected in the amendment to the law “On approval of lists of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances sufficient to bring a person to criminal responsibility, as well as their total quantity,” approved by President Ilham Aliyev.

The name of the law was changed to the law “On approval of lists of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in significant, large and especially large doses, which are the basis for bringing a person to criminal liability.”

The valid List establishes doses of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances that exceed the dose for personal consumption and a large batch (lower limit), which are grounds for bringing a person to criminal liability. The Lists, published in the new edition, define significant, large and especially large doses of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, as well as significant, large and especially large doses of narcotic plants, which give grounds for bringing a person to criminal liability.

The new lists can be found by following the link.

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