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A cook who embezzled 85 thousand manats was sentenced

The judicial investigation into the criminal case against Natig Gardashov and Radig Mehdiyev, accused of fraud in the amount of 85 thousand manats, has been completed. Report informs, at the trial chaired by the judge of the Baku Court of Serious Crimes Samir Aliyev, the verdict was read out to the accused. According to the court decision, Natig Gardashov and Radig Mehdiyev were fined 5 thousand manats (each) and released from the courtroom.

The victim in the criminal case is the tenant of the Tongal restaurant, Shamsaddin Huseynov.

The materials of the criminal case indicate that Radig Mehdiyev, in the period from October 1, 2021 to August 13, 2022, in collusion with his acquaintance Natig Gardashov, who worked as a cook at the Tongal restaurant, overestimated the weight of meat delivered to the restaurant and took money from the cash register for “ extra” kilograms of meat. In a similar way, Natig Gardashov and Radig Mehdiyev embezzled a total of 85,980 manats.

A criminal case was initiated against these persons under Article 177.3.2 (Theft committed with causing large damage) of the Criminal Code of the Azerbaijan Republic.

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