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Azerbaijan determines criminal liability for dissemination of info on movement and deployment of personnel and military equipment of Armed Forces

Criminal liability is established for disseminating information about the movement or deployment of personnel of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan, military weapons, ammunition, or military equipment, it is reflected in the new article -284-2 proposed to be added to the Criminal Code, which was discussed at the meeting of the Milli Majlis today, APA reports.

According to the Article, when the dissemination of information about the movement or deployment of the personnel of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan, military weapons, ammunition or military equipment is committed during wartime or combat conditions, and Article 274 (Treason), 276 (Espionage) of this Code or if there are no signs of the actions provided for in Article 284 (Dissemination of State Secrets) – shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of 3 to 6 years.

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