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Families of martyrs and people with disabilities due to the war were provided with 200 apartments and individual houses

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population provided the families of martyrs and persons with disabilities in connection with the war with a total of 200 apartments and individual houses in the Hovsan residential complex MİDA in the city of Baku, in the city of Ganja, as well as in Aghstafa, Beylagan, Jalilabad, Gadabey, Imishli, Kurdamir, Gabala, Gusar, Masalli, Sabirabad, Salyan, Yevlakh, Zagatala and Zardab regions. According to AZERTAC, at an event held at DOST Center No. 4, documents for apartments were presented by Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population Anar Aliyev.

The event spoke about state care for the families of martyrs and people with disabilities in connection with the war. It was noted that measures to provide housing for beneficiaries began to be implemented in the 90s of the last century on the initiative and instructions of national leader Heydar Aliyev and have successfully continued over the past period.

It was emphasized that after the 44-day Patriotic War, in which the Azerbaijani Army, under the leadership of the President, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Ilham Aliyev, won a grandiose Victory, on the instructions of the head of state, a program to provide apartments and individual houses to the families of martyrs and persons with disabilities in connection with the war was expanded 5 times.

This year, a total of 1,300 apartments and private houses were provided to the families of martyrs and persons with disabilities due to the war, in the post-war period – 5,800, and over the entire past period – 14,600 apartments and private houses.

Family members of martyrs and people with disabilities due to the war expressed gratitude to President Ilham Aliyev for the attention, care and housing provided.

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