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Azerbaijani lawyers celebrated their holiday and summed up the results of the year

In connection with the professional holiday – Lawyer’s Day, which is celebrated in Azerbaijan on December 28, a solemn ceremony of the Bar Association (BA) dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Heydar Aliyev was held the day before, reports.

The event, along with the leadership of the Bar Association, was attended by the Chairman of the Constitutional Court Farhad Abdullayev, the First Deputy Chairman of the Milli Majlis, the Chairman of the Committee on Legal Policy and State Building Ali Huseynli, the Chairman of the State Agency for the Provision of Services to Citizens and Social Innovation under the President Ulvi Mehdiyev, and Deputy Prosecutor General Heydar Mammadov, Chairman of the Board of the Institute of Law and Human Rights Mohammad Guluzade, Head of the Police Academy Janpolad Daanov, Dean of the Faculty of Law at ADA University Rashad Ibadov, representatives of a number of educational institutions, heads of advocacy structures, human rights activists and media representatives.

As Anar Bagirov reported, since 2018, 12 written tests have been conducted for admission to Bar Association membership. Of the 4,594 candidates who took part in these exams, 1,401 successfully passed the specialty exams, completed the mandatory training and took the oath of attorney. After the swearing-in, 44 more candidates were admitted to the Bar Association, bringing the number of lawyers to 2,431.

Among those who took the oath, Anar Bagirov singled out World War II veteran Elman Majidov, who voluntarily took part in the 44-day war for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan in 2020. “Our veteran was wounded in the battles for the city of Shusha. He was awarded the medals “For Distinction in Military Service”, III degree, “For the Liberation of Khojavend” and “Participant in the Patriotic War”.

At the end, a group of members of the Bar Association who distinguished themselves in the course of their activities.


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