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The attackers sold the buses of a famous hotel and stole the money

A preliminary investigation into the criminal case initiated by the Shabran District Prosecutor’s Office on the misappropriation of funds belonging to the local Yeni Galaltı Hotel Company LLC has been completed, reports with reference to the supervisory authority.

Based on the results of the investigation, reasonable suspicions arose that company employees Seifeddin Jafarli and Ekhtiram Ibragimov, having agreed in advance, took possession of funds received from the sale of two Hyundai County buses belonging to the LLC, totaling 121,400 manats.

S. Jafarli and E. Ibragimov were charged under Article 179.3.2 (embezzlement or embezzlement on a large scale) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan. By a court decision, a preventive measure in the form of arrest was chosen against them, and the criminal case was sent for consideration to the Sumgayit Court of Serious Crimes.

During the preliminary investigation, 75,000 manats were paid for the damage caused to the LLC.

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