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19 kg of drugs and weapons were seized from circulation in the Balaken region

During the activities carried out by employees of the Balakan Regional Police Department on the basis of received operational information, residents of the Terter region, previously convicted Yusif Misirzadeh and Elvin Karimli, accused of drug trafficking, were detained, reports with reference to the Sheki regional press service group of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

It is noted that during a personal inspection, 2 kg 255 g of heroin and marijuana, as well as about 16 kg of marijuana, were found and seized from the first. During the investigation, it turned out that the detainees were involved in drug trafficking in exchange for money and drugs from drug dealers living in a foreign country, whom they met on a social network. In their testimony, they admitted that they agreed to transport prohibited substances to the Yevlakh region in exchange for a sum of 1,000 manats.

During another operation in the area, four more people involved in drug trafficking were detained. Various types of drugs were found and seized from them.

As a result of measures taken against illegal possession of weapons, law enforcement officers seized two Kalashnikov assault rifles and two hunting rifles.

Investigations into these facts are ongoing.

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