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The Media Development Agency and the State Service for Special Communications and Information Security issued a joint statement

The Media Development Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the State Service for Special Communications and Information Security of the Republic of Azerbaijan issued a joint statement. According to AZERTAC, the statement reads: “In a number of segments of social networks, fake accounts are being created associated with persons whose candidacies are registered in the elections of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and information that does not correspond to reality is disseminated on their behalf.

On the eve of elections, this type of activity is deliberately aimed at confusing public opinion and tarnishing the reputation of candidates. We urge the public not to believe such false and provocative publications and to take into account only official statements of presidential candidates and information posted on their accounts on social networks.

We urge Azerbaijani citizens, journalists, and public activists to always be principled in such situations and be vigilant so as not to fall under the influence of campaigns based on fake and false information.

Appropriate action will be taken against the source of the said fake accounts.”

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