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A criminal case has been initiated against the head of the municipality

The Dashkesan Prosecutor’s Office has opened a criminal case against an official accused of unlawful actions, reports with reference to the supervisory authority. Thus, based on information received about the illegal actions of the chairman of the Akhmedli rural municipality, Sarvaz Guliyev, an investigation was carried out. During the audit, reasonable suspicions were revealed that S. Guliyev abused and exceeded his official powers. Thus, by signing documents and making decisions on behalf of the collegial body of the municipality without the consent of its members, he caused significant damage to the legitimate interests of the structure. S. Guliyev is also suspected of making false promises to rent a land plot and fraudulently appropriating funds belonging to a citizen.

Based on this fact, the district prosecutor’s office opened a criminal case under articles 178.2.3 (Fraud committed by a person using official position), 308.1 (Abuse of official powers) and 313 (Official forgery) of the Criminal Code of the Azerbaijan Republic.

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