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Fraud appeal rejected

The Sumgayit Court of Appeal completed the hearing on the appeal against the sentence of Amid Zeynalov accused of fraud (name and surname are conditional – ed.). According to, the decision was announced at the trial chaired by judge Rashadat Agayev. The appeal was not satisfied, the verdict of the first instance court was upheld without change.

According to the indictment, A. Zeynalov invited the victim Sahib Safarov (name and surname are conditional – ed.), living in the Absheron region, to invest in a joint business.

The accused informed the victim that he had accepted orders for the production of gazebos for the Mona Lisa restaurant in Baku, wooden doors for private houses to be built in the village of Hadrut in the Khojavend region, furniture for a hotel and restaurant in the Shamkir region, a restaurant in the Guba region, and falsely promised that he would fulfill the listed orders by August 1, 2022, after which he would return S. Safarov twice as much money. Thus, he fraudulently misappropriated a total of 17,000 manats at different times. However, A. Zeynalov did not fulfill this promise and was prosecuted.

The Absheron District Court sentenced him to 2 years and 6 months in prison.

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