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Former Milli Majlis deputy sentenced

The trial in the criminal case of Dunyamin Khalilov and Azad Javadov, who were accused of committing a crime by conspiring with officials of the International Bank of Azerbaijan OJSC, has ended. As reports, former Milli Majlis deputy D. Khalilov was given a new sentence.

In accordance with Article 66.5 (Punishment for a combination of crimes, if after the court has passed a verdict in the case it is established that the convicted person is also guilty of another crime committed by him before the court verdict in the first case. In this case, the punishment is counted towards the final punishment served under the first court verdict) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan D. Khalilov was sentenced to imprisonment for a term of 14 years 9 months, A. Javadov – to 12 years 6 months.

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