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Judgement for the site manager who extorted money from officials

The criminal trial against the head of the website Osman Narimanoglu (Rzayev) has been completed. According to, the verdict was announced at the last meeting in the Ganja Court of Grave Crimes. He was found guilty of extortion and sentenced to six years in prison.

O.Narimanoglu was arrested in 2022. According to the indictment, he extorted money by threatening to disseminate defamatory materials about the director of the Goygol Central District Hospital (CRH) Vasif Aliyev, the head of the Goranboy District Department of Irrigation Systems Ilgar Mamedov, the head of the department of the Goygol Central District Hospital Alikomek Aliyev, the doctor of this medical institution Rashad Akbarov and four other persons, including in connection with which he was arrested.

O. Narimanoglu was charged under Article 182.2.2 (Repeated extortion with threats) of the Criminal Code of the Azerbaijan Republic.

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