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The official is accused of stealing 104 thousand manats

The Masalli district prosecutor’s office opened a criminal case against the head of the district’s housing and communal services production association, Maharram Aliyev, on charges of embezzlement of budget funds, Report informs, citing the district prosecutor’s office.

The prosecutor’s office completed the investigation against Magerram Aliyev based on the complaints received. During the inspection of the financial and economic activities of the housing and communal services sector for 2021-2023, reasonable suspicions arose of misappropriation and embezzlement of 104 thousand manats of budget funds by an official or persons of this institution. A criminal case has been initiated into the fact under Articles 179.3.2 (embezzlement and embezzlement on a large scale) and 308.1 (abuse of official powers) of the Criminal Code.

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