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Haji Ali Bekhishti, accused of treason, sentenced

The trial in the criminal case of Haji Ali Bekhishti (Aliyev), accused of high treason, has ended. APA reports that the verdict was read out at a meeting of the Baku Court of Serious Crimes chaired by Judge Azer Tagiyev. According to the verdict, A. Aliyev was sentenced to 15 years in prison.

It is noted that during the operations carried out on April 6 last year, a resident of the village of Bina, Hadji Ali Behishti (Aliyev), was detained. He was charged under Article 274 of the Criminal Code (high treason). During a search of the house in which he lived, various documents were discovered and seized confirming his connection with foreign intelligence services. In his testimony, Haji Ali Aliyev admitted to the acts he had committed, noting that since 2007 he had worked closely with foreign intelligence services and received money for completing tasks.

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