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Decision on the cassation appeal regarding the property pledged to the bank in the criminal case of the ex-chairman of the board of Azerkhalcha OJSC

A court hearing was held on the cassation appeal against the decision regarding the property pledged to the bank in the criminal case of the ex-chairman of the board of Azerkhalcha OJSC Vidadi Muradov, who died during the trial, reports. At the trial chaired by Judge Rashad Abdulov in the Supreme Court, the complaint was not satisfied.

It is noted that in the cassation filed with the Supreme Court, they demand to cancel the decision to confiscate property with a market value of more than 10 million manats, and to return the criminal case for a new appeal hearing in this part. These objects include a house that belonged to the late V. Muradov, as well as shares and assets of Azər-İlmə LLC.

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