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Man suspected of stealing from clinic detained

As a result of operational search activities carried out by employees of the Imishli district police department, a previously repeatedly convicted resident of the Agdam district, Jeyhun Salakhov, suspected of stealing from a clinic, was detained. As Report was informed in the Shirvan regional group of the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, during the preliminary interrogation the detainee admitted to committing the crime.

During the investigation, it turned out that on February 1, J. Salakhov illegally entered one of the working premises of the clinic, stole money stored there in the amount of 8,750 manats, part of which he spent on personal needs. During his arrest, police officers seized 6 thousand manats from him as material evidence.

A criminal case has been opened on the fact in the Investigation Department of the Imishli Regional Police Department, the investigation is ongoing.

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