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A person who forged documents for military service evaders was detained

The illegal actions of a person who prepared false documents on obtaining higher education for submission to the Gabala district department of the State Service for Mobilization and Conscription for Military Service in order to evade urgent active military service have been exposed, reports with reference to the press service of the Prosecutor General’s Office of Azerbaijan.

During the investigation conducted by the General Directorate for Combating Corruption under the Prosecutor General, reasonable suspicions arose that Fuad Khalilov prepared for two residents of the Gabala region fake certificates about allegedly studying at the Sakarya University of the Turkish Republic in order to evade military service in 2023 year. For this, the man received a total of 6,300 manats from their parents at different times.

Based on the collected evidence, a criminal case was initiated under articles 178.2.2 (repeated fraud) and 320.1 (illegal production and sale of an official document) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan. The case has been sent to the relevant internal affairs authorities for investigation.

Comprehensive measures to combat evasion of conscription for active military service will continue.

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