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Police operation: there are detainees

As a result of operational search activities carried out by employees of the Gusar District Police Department, a local resident, previously convicted Teymur Agamamedov, was detained, reports with reference to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

It is noted that a Kalashnikov assault rifle, its magazine and 30 rounds of ammunition were discovered and seized.

During other operational-search activities, a resident of the Khachmaz district, Ramazan Aliyev, was detained, who at different times stole a refrigerator, a TV and money from his rented house and the facility where he worked, causing damage to the victims in the total amount of 1,512 manats.

Criminal cases have been initiated based on these facts. By court decisions, a preventive measure was chosen in the form of arrest in relation to T. Aghamamedov, and in the form of police supervision in relation to R. Aliyev.

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