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33 kg of drugs seized from illicit trafficking in Azerbaijan

Astara district police officers prevented the illegal trafficking of 33 kg of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and tablets smuggled from Iran. As was informed by the Lankaran regional group of the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, during operational activities in the village of Archivan, a resident of the city of Baku, previously convicted, Agil Shiraliev, who is wanted under articles of illegal sale of drugs and smuggling, was detained.

A total of 15 kg of heroin, 16 kg of marijuana, 2 kg of methamphetamine and 1,000 packages of methadone tablets were found and seized from the trunk of a Chevrolet Nexia car in which Shiraliev was in two bags. It was established that the detainee had smuggled drugs from Iran. By a court decision, a preventive measure in the form of arrest was chosen against Shiraliev, investigative measures continue.

In addition, as a result of operational activities over the past month, 11 units of illegally stored hunting rifles were discovered and seized in the Astara region.

An investigation into the facts is underway at the Astara Regional Police Department.

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