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Sentence announced for housekeeper who committed grand theft

The Baku Court of Grave Crimes completed the trial of the criminal case of Ruzan Jabbarova, accused of stealing 803,000 manats from the house of Orkhan Gadimbayli, the son of the owner of the Sadarak shopping center, Yusif Gadimbayli, reports, the court sentenced R. Jabbarova to 11 years in prison. The defendant was a housekeeper in the house of O. Gadimbayli, located in Icherisheher.

According to the investigation, R. Jabbarova stole jewelry and money that belonged to O. Gadimbayli and his wife Farida Gadimova. She caused damage to the couple totaling more than 803,000 manats.

R. Jabbarova pleaded partially guilty to the charges brought against her. In her testimony to the investigation, she stated that she committed the theft out of necessity, the amount of damage amounted to 217,000 manats, and buried the stolen goods in the yard of her house in the village of Zabrat.

After the crime was revealed, R. Jabbarova showed the police the place where she hid the money, jewelry and other items she had stolen. They were seized and returned to the owners.

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