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Almost 4 kg of drugs were seized from a drug courier

As a result of operational activities carried out by employees of the Shirvan city police department, a person was detained who was involved in the sale of drugs obtained from a foreign citizen, Report informs citing the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Thus, during the operation, a previously convicted resident of the Absheron region, Amil Sharifov, was detained.

During a personal search, more than 2 kg of heroin, 1.87 kg of marijuana, as well as narcotic tablets were found and seized in a plastic bag in his possession.

During interrogation, A. Sharifov said that he was a courier for an Iranian drug dealer, whom he met through a social network, and had to deliver the substances seized during the arrest to a predetermined place in exchange for a certain amount of drugs.

In connection with the fact, a criminal case was opened in the Investigation Department of the Shirvan State Police, and a preventive measure in the form of arrest was chosen by a court decision against the suspect.

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