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In January 2024, drugs worth more than 22 million manats were seized from circulation

The total cost of more than 831 kg of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances seized from illicit trafficking in January 2024 is estimated at 22 million 476 thousand manats. This Report was reported in the permanent working group of the State Commission on the results of the fight against drug addiction and illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors.

It was noted that as a result of the comprehensive operational investigative measures carried out, 1,098 facts of crimes were identified. Of these, 316 were associated with the illegal sale of narcotic drugs, 782 with the illegal acquisition and storage of narcotic drugs.

Based on the facts revealed, 831 kg 021.607 g of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, 86 kg 213.9 g of heroin, 681 kg 712.79 g of marijuana, 16 kg 104.876 g of opium, 22 kg 833.55 g of hashish, 23 kg 078.491 g of psychotropic substances, 1 kg 078.255 g of other narcotic drugs. Also, during this period, 690 packages of methadone and 69.2 g of potent substances were seized from illicit trafficking.

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