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Many powers of the Ministry of Justice of Azerbaijan in the field of organizing the work of courts are transferred to the Judicial-Legal Council

Many of the powers of the Ministry of Justice of Azerbaijan in the field of organizing the work of courts are vested in the Judicial-Legal Council. As APA reports, this is reflected in the amendments proposed to the law “On Courts and Judges”, which were discussed at today’s meeting of the parliamentary committee on legal policy and state building and were recommended to parliament.

According to the draft, the rights of the Judicial-Legal Council include:

maintaining judicial statistics, organizing office work in the courts, ensuring the labor and social rights of judges, taking measures to maintain labor discipline in the courts, checking the state of organization of work in this area in the courts of first and appellate instances, assigning one of the judges of these courts to temporarily perform the duties of vacant positions chairman and deputy chairman in the courts of first instance, sending judges of the courts of first instance to another court with their consent, granting them leave, approving the structure and staffing of the apparatus of these courts.

In addition, the draft provides for the obligation of the Judicial-Legal Council to initiate disciplinary proceedings against judges of courts of all instances in cases established by law without appeal.

It is proposed that the amendments come into force on June 1, 2024.

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