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Head of the municipality was arrested on charges of corruption

The Main Anti-Corruption Directorate under the General Prosecutor’s Office has opened a criminal case against the chairman of the municipality of Yeni Surakhany, Surakhani district of the capital, Guliyev Fikret Azizaga oglu. Report informs, citing information was disseminated by the press service of the Prosecutor General’s Office.

During investigative and operational activities, reasonable suspicions were established that Fikret Guliyev, while in office, received large sums of money as a bribe from various persons in exchange for the allocation of land plots, permission to carry out construction work and other illegal actions.

Fikret Guliyev is accused under articles 311.3.2, 311.3.3 of the Criminal Code (receiving a bribe repeatedly and on a large scale). By a court decision, a preventive measure was chosen against him in the form of detention.

The preliminary investigation into the case continues.

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