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Court hearing on cassation appeal against the verdict of those accused of theft

The Supreme Court has completed a hearing on the cassation appeal against the verdict of Sevinj Bagirova and her sister Bagchagul Aliyeva, accused of theft. According to, the decision was read out at the trial chaired by judge Nazim Movsumov.

Based on the decision of the Sheki Court of Appeal, the appeals of the accused were not satisfied, and the appeal of the victim was partially satisfied, the verdict of the Sheki Court for Serious Crimes was changed.

Thus, S. Bagirova was sentenced to 6 years and 6 months of imprisonment, and B. Aliyeva – to 5 years of imprisonment.

According to the indictment, between October 10, 2021 and April 18, 2022, the sisters, in collusion with a group of people, stole a total of 81,953 manats from their daughter-in-law Vasili Bagirova.

Later, both women were detained based on a complaint from the victim, and they were charged under Article 177.3.2 (theft with major damage) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan.

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