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The sentence of the detained ex-head of the State Security Service was commuted

The Supreme Court has considered cassation complaints from the former head of the Executive Power of the Neftchala region, Ismayil Veliyev, and those convicted along with him, reports. According to the decision, the sentence of I. Veliyev was reduced to 6 years and 2 months, Azhdar Kerimov – to 5 years and 10 months, Gultekin Sadygova – to 4 years and 6 months. The accused were detained during a special operation by the State Security Service.

According to the final decision of the Shirvan Court of Appeal, I. Veliyev was sentenced to 9 years and 6 months, A. Kerimov and others – to 8 years, and G. Sadygova – to 6 years in prison.

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