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The trial has begun in connection with the appeal of the verdict against those arrested in the “Terter case”

A trial has begun in connection with an appeal against the verdict against Major General Bekir Orujov, Rakhib Mammadov, Intigam Mamedov, Ziya Kazimov and Ulvi Rashidov, accused in the “Terter case”. As Trend reports, during the trial taking place in the Baku Court of Appeal, the personal data of the accused and the arguments of the appeal were studied.

The lawyers in the case petitioned for the investigation to consider the appeal and interrogate the former Chief of the General Staff, Colonel General Najmeddin Sadykov, as a witness. The petition was unsuccessful and the trial will continue on February 28, 2024.

Criminal cases have been initiated against the accused under articles 126.3 (deliberate infliction of grievous bodily harm resulting in the death of the victim), 145.3 (unlawful imprisonment resulting in death), 293.2 (torture committed by a government official), 329 (violent actions against a subordinate military officer ), 341.2.1 and 341.2.3 (abuse of official powers by a group of persons or violation of official powers by a group of persons, resulting in grave consequences) of the Criminal Code of the Azerbaijan Republic. Intigam Mammadov was additionally charged under Article 178 (fraud).

The Baku Military Court sentenced Bekir Orujov, Z. Kazymov and U. Rashidov to 9 years and 6 months, and I. Mamedov and R. Mamedov to 6 years and 6 months in prison.

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