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The head of the financial service was arrested in the Ministry of Defense in connection with thefts amounting to 143 million manats

Elvin Jafarov, who worked as the head of the financial service in various military units of the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry, was arrested, reports. He was charged under Article 179.4 (theft on an especially large scale) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan. Elvin Jafarov was found guilty in a criminal case of theft of 143 million manats. His criminal case has been separated into separate proceedings. The damage he caused to the state is estimated at 2,200,000 manats.

The Baku Military Court considered a proposal to select a preventive measure against Elvin Jafarov based on a petition from an SSS investigator. At the trial chaired by Judge Fikret Aliyev, the motion was satisfied, and the court chose a preventive measure against Elvin Jafarov in the form of arrest for four months.

It is noted that in December last year, Elvin Jafarov was questioned as a witness at a trial related to the theft of 143 million manats from the Ministry of Defense.

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