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The criminal case of a suspect in social housing fraud has been sent to court

The Baku Serious Crimes Court will consider a criminal case against Mirdamad Azizov, suspected of misappropriating 430 thousand manats from citizens, Report informs, citing the press service of the Prosecutor General’s Office.

The case materials were sent to the court after the completion of the investigation at the Main Anti-Corruption Directorate.

According to investigators, posing as an employee of the State Housing Construction Agency, M. Azizov deceived citizens by providing them with forged documents about the sale of social housing on preferential terms. In total, 26 citizens were deceived and paid the accused 430 thousand manats.

Based on the prosecutor’s presentation against Mirdamad Azizov, accused under articles of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, fraud causing large damage, forgery of official documents and misappropriation of the powers of an official, a preventive measure was chosen in the form of arrest.

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