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Interior Ministry officers found 46 kg of drugs and three firearms

Employees of the Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs carried out operations in Baku and the regions of Azerbaijan against persons illegally storing firearms and also involved in the sale of drugs, reports.

During the events, two Makarov pistols, one Beretta pistol, three clips and 15 cartridges were discovered from residents of the capital Zamiga Aliyev, Elmeddin Abdullazade and the previously convicted Mahir Sadigov.

Employees of the main department held the event in the capital, as well as in Agjabedi, Shamkir, Yevlakh and Jalilabad regions. During them, they found a total of 30 kg of marijuana from previously convicted Rufat Asadov, Fazil Azizov and Tural Makhmudov, who organized drug trafficking, and from Anar Abasov, an acquaintance of Rashad Mamedov, Murad Asgarov and Leyla Mammadova, 16 kg of cocaine, heroin, opium, methamphetamine and 52 ecstasy tablets. 46 kg of narcotic drugs were seized from illegal trafficking.

Based on these facts, criminal cases have been initiated, and a preventive measure in the form of arrest has been chosen against the detainees. The investigation is ongoing.

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