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Court decision against a person accused of corruption

A preliminary investigation into the criminal case of the former head of the Guba-Khachmaz regional education department, Rufat Hajiyev, who was arrested on charges of corruption, continues, reports with reference to Qafqazinfo. The prosecutor appealed to the court with a request to extend the term of the chosen preventive measure. The Binagadi District Court granted the petition. According to the decision, the arrest period was extended by three months. After this, the former boss’s lawyer filed a petition to replace the preventive measure with house arrest. The court did not satisfy him.

R. Hajiyev was detained by the Main Anti-Corruption Directorate under the Prosecutor General. During the investigation, reasonable suspicions arose that he had repeatedly received bribes from individuals for the extension of an employment contract, appointment to the position of school director, failure to conduct inspections in schools, as well as the provision of general patronage in the service. In total, R. Hajiyev received 53,000 manats.

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