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Small cattle thieves detained

The Sheki regional police department received information about the theft of small cattle belonging to residents of the villages of Gokhmug, Inche and Kendelen, reports with reference to the Sheki regional press service group of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

According to information, during the operation carried out by police officers based on statements received from victims, Elmin Gasimov, Izzet Saryzade and Fazil Gasimov were detained.

It turned out that, having arrived from the capital in Sheki, they stole a total of 21 head of small cattle belonging to private individuals from pastures, and in a rented car transported the animals to the city of Baku, as well as to the Zagatala region, and sold them.

It was also established that the detainees stole 11 more heads in a similar way in the Agsu, Goychay, Zagatala and Balakan regions.

Based on these facts, a criminal case has been initiated and the investigation is ongoing.

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