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The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan again appealed to the population against the backdrop of growing cases of cyber fraud

The head of the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan, police lieutenant colonel Elshad Hajiyev, addressed the population against the backdrop of an increased number of cases of cyber fraud. Report informs, a representative of the ministry recalled on his page on the social network that cybercriminals massively use the letter “O” as an uppercase, lowercase or number “0”, as well as the letters “I” and “i”.

“At first glance, this is confusing, making it difficult to distinguish between a fake URL and a real one. Such tricks are observed in phishing messages and links to fake discounts. <…> You are then asked to enter sensitive information, after which a window appears asking you to enter personal information, and the background image appears identical to the background on the real site. Don’t let yourself be deceived!” warned E. Hajiyev.

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