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The trial of the person who committed fraud has completed

A sentence was passed on the administrator of the pages “Money is issued at interest” and “Sale of gold at low prices” on the TikTok social network, reports with reference to Qaynarinfo. A native of Baku, Kanan Badirli (born 1995), committed fraud against persons unknown to him. Under the pretext of providing money at interest and selling cheap gold, he obtained the bank card details of citizens and embezzled their money.

So, he posted an ad on TikTok that he was providing an amount of 50,000 manats for a period of up to 10 years with interest of 5,000 manats. As a result of his actions, K. Badirli embezzled 1,851 manats from a woman named Firuza, 1,552 manats from a nurse in the Mingachevir hospital, 5,000 manats from a teacher of the native language and literature of a secondary school in the village of Yukhari Shilyan, Ujar region. He introduced himself to some of the victims as an employee of TBC Bank. Along with this, through the page “Selling gold at low prices” on TikTok, he embezzled more than 8,800 manats belonging to various individuals.

By a court decision, K. Badirli was found guilty under articles 177.2.2 (Committing theft repeatedly) and 177.2.3-1 (Theft committed using electronic media or information technology) of the Criminal Code of the Azerbaijan Republic and sentenced to imprisonment for a period of 3 years and 10 months.

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