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Suspect detained for embezzling funds via TikTok

At different times, the police received reports of the theft of funds in the amount of 300, 900, 50, 320, 125, 338 and 100 manats from the bank cards of seven people. In total, 2,133 manats were appropriated, reports with reference to information from the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

It is noted that as a result of the measures taken, a suspect in these crimes, who was wanted for fraud, 21-year-old Ragif Mammadov, was detained. It was established that he fraudulently misappropriated the funds of these individuals by obtaining their bank card information on the TikTok social network. The detainee stole money from another 23 people in the same way.

Investigative and operational activities in this case continue. Citizens who have suffered from the actions of G. Mammadov can contact law enforcement agencies.

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