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Corruption scandal in the Ministry of Defense: two more people were arrested in the case

As part of the ongoing criminal case in the State Security Service of Azerbaijan regarding theft in the country’s Ministry of Defense, two more former chiefs of the financial service of various military units, Jabrail Orujov and Vahid Novruzlu, were arrested, reports. They were brought as defendants under Article 179.4 (embezzlement on an especially large scale) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The Main Investigation Department of the State Security Service petitioned the court to impose a preventive measure in the form of arrest against the former financiers. The Baku Military Court granted the investigation’s request, arresting both defendants in the case for a period of four months.

Since at the moment J. Orujov and V. Novruzlu have not compensated for the damage caused to the state budget, legal liability measures have been applied to them.

Earlier it became known about large-scale thefts in the Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense in the amount of 143 million manats. Several high-ranking military officials have already been arrested as part of the case. The investigation and trial in this high-profile case are ongoing.

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