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Court decision in the case of misappropriation of 55 thousand manats by an accountant

The Baku Grave Crimes Court held the final hearing in the case of Bahar Abyshova, who worked as an accountant in one of the companies in Baku. She was accused under Article 179.3.2 (Large embezzlement) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, reports. According to the investigation materials, B. Abyshova embezzled 55,250 manats that belonged to the Akrali Metal company. Of the damage caused, she compensated 15,000 manats. During the trial, it turned out that the company also forgave its former accountant 10,000 manats.

Although the state prosecutor demanded that the accused be sentenced to 6 years and 6 months in prison, the court sentenced her to 2 years probation. B. Abyshova was arrested during the preliminary investigation, but on December 13, 2023, the preventive measure in the form of detention was replaced by house arrest.

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