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Person who fight in Syria sentenced to seven and a half years

The judicial investigation of the criminal case against Khabib Kaltayev, who was detained by Interpol and taken to Azerbaijan, has been completed, reports. At the last meeting in the Baku Court of Grave Crimes, a judgement was read out, according to which Kh. Kaltaev was sentenced to 7 years and 6 months in prison.

The investigation against Khabib Kaltayev was carried out by the State Security Service of Azerbaijan. He was accused under Article 283-1 (creating a stable group for the purpose of participating in armed conflicts outside the borders of the Republic of Azerbaijan (AR) of the Criminal Code.

In 2015, Kh. Kaltaev, while driving a VAZ-2104 car, committed a serious accident, which resulted in the death of two people. For this criminal act he was sentenced to seven years in prison.

After his release from prison, Khabib Kaltaev left the country and joined armed forces in Syria.

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