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The investigation into the criminal case of former officials of the drug treatment center completed

An investigation has been completed into a criminal case initiated in the Main Anti-Corruption Directorate under the Prosecutor General in connection with the illegal actions of the former general director of the legal entity of public law “Republican Drug Treatment Center” of the Ministry of Health Elshan Gumbat oglu Mustafayev and Sabir oglu Aliyev Zamin oglu, the former deputy director of this institution , Trend reports with reference to the Prosecutor General’s Office of Azerbaijan.

It is noted that during the preliminary investigation, reasonable suspicions were revealed that Elshan Mustafayev, appointed to this position in April 2023, and his deputy Zamin Aliyev, having entered into a conspiracy, took bribes from the doctors of this institution. In addition, they took bribes from people suffering from drug and alcohol addiction in exchange for their placement in the appropriate departments of this Center.

Based on the collected evidence, Elshan Mustafayev and Zamin Aliyev were finally charged under Articles 308.2 (abuse of official powers resulting in grave consequences), 311.3.1 and 311.3.2 (receipt of a bribe by a group of persons in conspiracy; repeated commission of this offense) of the Criminal Code. By a court decision, a preventive measure in the form of arrest was chosen against them. The criminal case was sent to the Baku Court of Serious Crimes for consideration.

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