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Detained for theft of 228 thousand manats under the pretext of investment

Employees of the Ismailli district police department detained 24-year-old Javid Mustafayev, who embezzled money from citizens under the pretext of earning money on a social network, Report informs, citing the regional press service group of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He created a page on the social network Instagram called “investa_emine_gazanc”, on which he made false promises of large profits with small investments.

Under the pretext of increasing the amount on the balance sheet and paying commissions, Mustafayev embezzled citizens’ money.
In a similar way, he took possession of cash in the amount of 228 thousand manats, as well as gold and jewelry worth 50 thousand manats. So that he could not be identified, he asked the victims to place the jewelry in places predetermined by him.

By a court decision, a preventive measure in the form of detention was chosen against Mustafayev; the investigation continues.

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