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Drug couriers detained with 60 kg of marijuana

Employees of the Main Directorate for Combating Drugs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan detained three drug couriers who were trying to smuggle 60 kg of marijuana into the country, reports with reference to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

During a special operation in Baku, Talat Muradov, Shahlar Gasimov and Famil Aliyev were detained. During the search, in addition to marijuana enriched with psychotropic substances, they also seized heroin, methamphetamine, 8,780 methadone tablets and electronic scales used in the sale of drugs. The investigation established that the detainees entered into a conspiracy with Iranian citizens Subkhan and Razi (identities are being established) to organize drug supplies into the country. Couriers received the smuggled “goods” on the sea coast in Sumgayit.

T. Muradov, Sh. Gasimov and F. Aliyev, being key figures in organizing drug trafficking in the country, planned to distribute the resulting large batch of marijuana to different addresses in Baku in order to obtain material benefits.

A criminal case was opened on this fact, all three were arrested by court order. Operational and investigative activities continue.

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