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Former head of the Shamkir region executive power sentenced to 11.5 years in prison

The former head of the executive power of the Shamkir region, Alimpasha Mammadov, was sentenced to 11.5 years in prison, the Western Bureau of Report informs. The verdict was announced at a court hearing in the Ganja Court of Grave Crimes. At the hearing, the defendant was given the last word. Then the court pronounced a sentence of 11 years and 6 months in prison. The state prosecutor asked to sentence Mamedov to 13 years in prison.

Alimpasha Mammadov was arrested by the State Security Service in April last year. He was charged under articles 179.4 of the Criminal Code (theft), 193-1.3.2 (laundering of funds obtained by criminal means), 308.2 (abuse of official powers), 311.3.2 and 311.3.3 (repeated receipt of a large bribe) and By a court decision, a preventive measure in the form of arrest was chosen against him.

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