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Official accused of bribery sentenced

The trial of the former director of the Lankaran Regional Forestry Center of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, Amil Abdullayev, who was accused of taking a bribe, has ended, reports. The Lankaran Grave Crimes Court found the former official guilty under Articles 308.1 (Abuse of power) and 311.3.3 (Taking a large bribe) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

According to the information, he was sentenced to nine years in prison. Fadail Babayev, who worked as a forester and was also involved in this case, was found guilty of complicity in the crime. F. Babayev was sentenced to eight years in prison, but his sentence was considered suspended with a probationary period.

It is noted that A. Abdullayev was detained during an operation carried out by the Main Anti-Corruption Directorate under the Prosecutor General. During the investigation, reasonable suspicions were established that A. Abdullayev had received a bribe in the amount of 14,900 manats in exchange for the provision of a land plot on the balance sheet of the Lankaran Regional Forestry Center for use for various purposes. During a search conducted in the official’s office, a number of evidence in this case were discovered and seized.

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