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The State Border Service and the State Security Service of Azerbaijan carried out a joint operation

As a result of joint operational activities of the State Border Service and the State Security Service, members of an organized smuggling group were detained who were trying to illegally smuggle a large batch of narcotic drugs into the territory of Azerbaijan through the Caspian Sea, violating the state border, reports with reference to the press center of State Border Service.

On June 25, 2024 u/ at 00:17, the main command and control center of the Coast Guard noticed two unknown vessels moving quickly in the direction of the village of Shorabad at a distance of 500 m from the coast in the Caspian Sea in the Khizy region. The border patrol ship began to pursue the floating craft.

As a result of operational search activities and lengthy pursuits carried out by border patrol vessels of the coast guard, including coast guard units, at 02:48 in relation to border violators who did not obey the legal demands of border guards and, having thrown drugs into the sea, tried to escape, it was weapons were used in accordance with the requirements of the law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On the State Border”.

One of the high-speed liner-type craft, along with 2 crew members, and one of the crew members of the second craft were detained, the other went missing. After providing first aid to the wounded offenders, they were evacuated to a specialized medical facility.

During the investigation, it was established that the detainees were citizens of Iran, residents of the city of Bandar-Turkmen, Gulistan province, Behman Gasim (born 1984), Nuri Nurmamed Bahramkhalid (born 1983), Rahim Ounek Anna (born 1984) , illegally crossed the state border with the aim of importing drugs into the country.

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