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More than 20 kg of heroin seized from a drug courier

A drug courier detained in Ganja was found to have more than 20 kilograms of heroin, Report informs citing the regional press service group of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

According to information, employees of the anti-drug department of the Ganja city police department detained a suspect in drug courier activities, previously convicted Rafael Zeynalov. 20 kg 755 grams of heroin were found and seized from him.

It was established that R. Zeynalov came into contact with Iranian citizens through social networks and acquired drugs for his own use and sale, which were illegally imported into the country and hidden in Ganja. The detainee admitted that he carried out courier activities in exchange for money and drugs.

A criminal case was opened in the Ganja city police department, and R. Zeynalov was arrested.

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