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Prosecutor General’s Office: more than 413 thousand manats were damaged to nature

In June, facts of illegal felling of 198 trees were revealed in the Nasimi district of Baku, Report informs citing the press service of the Prosecutor General’s Office. The investigation was carried out on the basis of appeals from citizens and materials received from the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, as well as information disseminated in the media.

In particular, green spaces were destroyed at the intersection of M. Mirgasymov, Kh. Shushinsky, I. Gasimov and M. Topchubashov streets in the Nasimi district of Baku, causing damage to nature amounting to more than 413 thousand manats.

The General Prosecutor’s Office has launched a preliminary investigation under the relevant articles of the Criminal Code.

It is noted that the preliminary investigation into these criminal cases is currently ongoing; the full range of persons who committed offenses will be identified and brought to justice.

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