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The court sentenced the scientist and his wife for embezzlement of 92 thousand manats

The trial in the criminal case of former employees of the Institute of Archeology, Ethnography and Anthropology of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan (ANAS) – scientist-historian Sabuhi Huseynov and his wife Gulustan Isayeva – has ended, reports with reference to APA. At the trial, chaired by the judge of the Baku Court of Grave Crimes, Azad Mejidov, the lawyer of the accused, Orkhan Zeynalov, made a defensive speech. He stated that he leaves it to the discretion of the court to convict and impose punishment on his clients.

Then the verdict was read out to the accused, according to which S. Guseinov and G. Isayeva were found guilty as charged and given conditional imprisonment.

According to the indictment, Sabuhi Huseynov and his wife Gulustan Isayeva are accused of embezzling 92,000 manats from funds allocated for research in the territories of Azerbaijan liberated from occupation.

The defendants were charged under articles 179.3.2 (embezzlement or embezzlement on a large scale) and 308.2 (abuse of official powers) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan.

The Institute of Archeology, Ethnography and Anthropology of ANAS was recognized as the victim in the criminal case.

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